1.General Requirements
2.Fixed asset accounting
3.Stock Accounting
4. Personnel accounting
5.Reporting to the National Revenue Agency and other government bodies
6.Cash and Banking
8.Other issues

1. General Requirements

Create a customized Chart of Accounts, accounting based on customized cost centers and cost elements.
Create an accounting policy in accordance with the National Accounting standards for small and medium enterprises and International accounting standards (IAS/IFRS)
Preparation together with the client the interim and annual financial statements
Monthly calculation of current financial result, P & L reporting
Letters for confirmation of balances with contractors

2. Fixed asset accounting

Determining the useful life of fixed tangible and intangible assets coordinated with the client
Depreciation plan for Tax and accounting purposes
Fixed assets acquisition, movements, disposal
Asset inventory
Accounting for asset inventory

3. Stock Accounting

Stock accounting on a product level PLU- weighted average price, profit, inventory
Automatic interface with Prizma
Control over correct entering of the invoices for stock purchases on sites
Weekly stock inventory reports, kind, quantity, price.
Accounting of movement of stocks synthetic and analytical (acquisition, movements, disposal)
Control over the correctness of documentation
Preparation of payment orders through suppliers according to the maturity plan
Accounting for stock inventory

4. Personnel accounting

Preparation of labor contracts
Declaration of labor contracts at National Revenue Agency
Preparation of labor contract annexes
Preparation of notifications for incoming and out coming personnel
Preparation of file for bank transaction of salaries
Preparation of file for bank transaction of social charges and personnel income taxes
Managing sickness lists and Government declaration
Preparation of labor books for incoming and out coming personnel
Preparation of dismissal order
Preparation of UP 2 and UP 3 and all other documents for leave of personnel.
Issuing of certificate for remuneration received for National Revenue Agency, social institutes, banks and other organisations.
Monthly preparation of declarations 1 and 6.

5. Reporting at the National Revenue Agency (NRA) and other government bodies

Preparation of monthly declarations of VAT law and declaration at NRA
Preparation of protocols for VAT calculation for intra- community supply in EU
Preparation of annual income tax declaration and related appendixes
Preparation and declaration to the National Statistical Institute for inquiries, intrastate declaration preparation.
Booking of local taxes and fees according to ZMDT
Reporting for the Excise law and tax stores.
Applying tax treaties for tax exempt.
Applying declarations according to Monetary act and regulations from Bulgarian National Bank.

6. Cash and Banking

Accounting for petty cash, inflows and outflows in BGN and foreign currency
Inventory of cash
Accounting for bank statement and reconciliation
Accounting for currency exchange rates in foreign currency for cash and bank accounts
Validation of the data of the invoices received in accordance with the VAT legislation
Accounting for sales orders
Validation and reconciliation with customers and suppliers
Preparation of bank transfer orders to suppliers in accordance with the payment terms
Reconciliation of daily transaction with Shell

7. Reporting in accordance with the local legal and fiscal requirements

Controlling over the journal entries
Closing of company accounts
Preparation of financial statements and notes to the financial statements according to National Accounting standards for small and medium enterprises and International accounting standards (IAS/IFRS)
Preparation of interim and annual financial statements in connection with consolidation purposes of parent company according their instructions.

8. Other issues

Tax advisory and tax protection to the NRA authorities
Tax consultations in connection with the activity of the client.
Representation in front of the Tax authorities in accordance with the local legislation
References from clients
Working language – Bulgarian, English and Russian
Cooperation with auditors companies
Choice of tax policy according to the needs of the clients